All of our Coaching programs are designed to help individuals move from the clutches of panic into the freedom of personal power.
Our coaching programs address the unique needs of:
Whether your diagnosis is recent or you’ve been living with cancer, we have walked in your shoes. We know the fear—the ups and downs of your physical wellbeing, your energy and your hope. Cancer patients can feel overwhelmed with treatment options and opinions, as well as frustrated and disappointed about their progress. Our Patient Coaching Programs help you stay connected and grounded through your journey. We see you as more than your disease. And you can too.
Once cancer treatment is completed, the new and unexpectedly difficult journey as a Survivor begins. Instead of feeling enthused and ready to re-engage with life, as you would expect, you may find yourself feeling lost and discouraged because you don’t feel more relieved, more energetic, more…happy? We know these feelings intimately and know that Survivors are at a critical point.
We understand what it’s like to finish active treatment and, instead of feeling joyous and free, feeling stunned and disoriented as if you’ve just been fired from a job. Our Survivor Coaching Programs focus on navigating this surprising new journey successfully and making sure you don’t have to take it alone.
Whether your loved one is still in or completed treatment, is still with us or has passed, you as their caregiver are on your own cancer journey. You are the unsung hero and you travel every stage and phase with your beloved.
However, in your role as a caregiver, you made it your job to be there for them and, at some point, you will find yourself asking, “What about me? Who am I, now? People tell me to take care of myself, but how do I do that? What does that mean?” Our Caregiver Coaching Programs are specifically designed to address these questions and help Caregivers transition into new roles of self-care, self-love and appreciation.
Individual Gift Coaching Session
Fee: Free!
Want to experience Cancer Journey Coaching with no strings attached? A private complimentary session with a trained and certified Cancer Journey Coach gives you personalized time and attention to relax, to breathe, and to take stock of where you are and your available resources at this very moment. In this free session, we focus on your unique situation and provide useful tools for helping you move out of fear and into your power.
Conducted on Zoom, this 45-minute complimentary session gives you the opportunity to experience Cancer Journey Coaching with absolutely no financial obligation.
On-going Individual Coaching
We provide dedicated, personalized coaching support on an on-going basis. Working with a Certified Cancer Journey Coach over a period of time will not only give you support in the moment, but our tools and techniques will become second nature as you learn and practice new skills.
Our Individual Cancer Journey Coaching Program is offered at a monthly fee and consists of three individual 45-minute sessions per month. We recommend a 3-month minimum to capitalize on your growth momentum.
Introductory 3-Month Package: $1,080 for 9 sessions over 3 months (includes New Client resources)
Monthly Coaching Package: subscription of $360/month for 3 sessions
You are welcome to cancel your subscription at anytime. Session credits do not expire. Your initial payment includes a $30 fee for New Client resources, which includes the CliftonStrengths Assessment, your Top 5 Strengths Report, a Welcome Packet, and Coaching Agreement. If you’ve received these previously, contact your coach for the code to waive the fee.
Master Coaching
Fee: Available Upon Request
As leaders in the field, our founders are often asked if they provide coaching services themselves. Shariann and Keri are Master Cancer Journey Coaches and continue to practice what they preach. Individual Coaching by one of our Master Coaches is available on a limited basis at a premium price.
At this time, we offer coaching in English, Spanish, Tagalong, Mandarin, Italian, Japanese, and Arabic.