In our travels with The Cancer Journey Institute, we realized that our work life was one of the places cancer and major illness has the most impact. For this reason, we created Real Life at Work: Using Strengths and Our Signature Tools to Help Employees Handle the Impact of Serious Illness in the Workplace.

Life goes as planned, until it doesn’t. When people are faced with a life-threatening illness, they take a leave of absence to focus on healing. But what happens to their work life? Their friends and teammates?  Their colleagues and managers? Their projects and accounts? The situation is delicate; everyone copes as best they can, but they’re often wondering about the “Right” thing to say or do.  As with any change, the first question to be answered is “What does this mean for me?” There’s confusion, lack of communication, fear and frustration.

Real Life at Work acknowledges this specific situation.  We support Human Resources, managers, employees and teams facing the unexpected absence of a colleague by dealing with both the realities of work and the emotional impact.  With our proprietary C.L.E.A.R. framework, we provide Coaching for impact, Learning for new skills and tool accumulation, Engaging strengths for stability and momentum, Activating preference and power for navigation, and Re-assimilating needs and priorities for a smooth and elegant transition.

To learn more about this powerful solution for dealing with Real Life at Work,

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