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Helping you answer the question, “What’s Next?”

Re-entry is your introduction to our Survivor Program After Cancer. With this completely online program, you have full freedom to access these resources on your time and pace. The mission of Re-entry is to leave you feeling resourced and ready to step into understanding who you are now and your purpose.

What’s included?

  • A Welcome to After Cancer: Re-entry video
  • An Introduction video and download of the “Survivor Journey Roadmap”
  • A download of “5 Things to Expect After Cancer”
  • A download of “Meeting Your Cancer” guided imagery
  • A 4-part video series: Re-Entry into your New Reality

What’s expected of me?

Thoughtful exploration of the included materials and resources for you to review on your own time.

How much does it cost?

For After Cancer: Re-entry, the package cost is only $47! Re-entry is included for free when you register for the Survivor Journey 12-week live program. To register for the Survivor Journey, click here.

Our Re-entry course is available now!

We also want to offer you something. Click here for a download of our “Now What?” Journaling Exercise.

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