Become A Certified Cancer Journey Coach
ICF-accredited Coach Training for inspired individuals who are called to transform the cancer experience
Our 2024 Sessions begin in May and October and are currently open for registration.
LOCATION: all trainings are live-interactive online sessions.
Before jumping in, we’d love to talk to you more about our Certification Program.
Click below to set up time to speak with Community Concierge.
The statistics of Cancer in the U.S. are astounding. Each year over 1.7 million individuals will be diagnosed with cancer. 1 in every 2 men and 1 in every 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Because of cancer, these lives are disrupted and turned upside down.
You can be part of transforming their experience.
As the nation’s first Cancer Coach Training Organization, The Cancer Journey Institute is also the only company and program of its type to be accredited by The International Coaching Federation (ICF).
During this period of upheaval, it is natural for cancer patients, survivors and caregivers to re-evaluate their lives and re-examine their values. It’s also natural to be wrestling with all the unresolved issues, traumas, and challenges of our lives as cancer amplifies them and brings them to a head. However, internal support (the mental, emotional, and spiritual) is often less than a second thought as the medical team focuses on the healing of the physical body.
You can be that missing piece.
As a Certified Cancer Journey Coach, accredited by the ICF, we introduce you to a holistic coaching methodology, which gives you all of the tools you need to apply to your coaching practice. We teach you how to hold space and to articulate and address their immediate needs while helping them see their desired future.
By addressing the needs of their spirit, you’ll become both a complement and essential ingredient to their support team. Our spiritual and soulful methodology grounded in the pursuit of higher love and deeper purpose is both universal and highly applicable to all individuals regardless of their faith or religion.
Cancer Journey Coaching helps them, even and especially when times get rough. You will help them reach deep within to find a well of strength, clarity and peace as they heal their body, mind, and spirit. Most importantly, you will help them experience their cancer journey as a personal-growth and transformative adventure.
- Thrive in a like-minded community that supports you to do meaningful and rewarding work.
- Learn a solid and successful methodology to help clients discover and stand in their power.
- Become part of a family and a movement that is changing the way the Cancer Community is healing.
- Become trained and licensed in our signature Panic to Powerful™ (P2P) Workshop to attract clients.
- Receive 72 training hours with the ICF (International Coach Federation), applicable to ACC, PCC, and MCC credentials.
- Receive on-going learning and support for creating an exciting, dynamic career.
The Cancer Journey Coach Certification process is an in-depth, interactive and experiential training comprised of:
- A small-group cohort to maximize learning and connection.
- 1 Opening Weekend training intensive – Attendance required.
- Weekly 2-hour, live and interactive content-based and Q&A video conference calls.
- Buddy practice sessions that are conducted throughout the training program to ensure greater assimilation of the tools and concepts.
- 4 one-on-one supervision sessions to deepen the learning and sharpen skills.
- 4 Group Coaching Sessions with a Leader & Certified Cancer Journey Coach.
- 4 Advanced coach training and practicum class sessions for fine-tuning and practicing skills and tools.
- StrengthsFinder Assessment (to determine your unique 34 Strengths Report) and a personal review meeting with one of our Master Coaches.
- A one-day train-the-trainer event to learn the “Panic to Powerful” 90-minute workshop for personal practice building once you’ve been certified.
- Both written and oral certification exams.
- A pathway for business after the certification process – the option to be part of The Cancer Journey’s Team of Cancer Coaches and be featured on our website.
To review the Participant Enrollment Agreement, click here.
Experience the client perspective and grow from the process.
At The Cancer Journey Institute, we don’t coach our clients through any process we have not first experienced ourselves. The course is designed so you experience the coaching process from the client perspective in tandem with learning the methodology, tools and concepts you will practice as a coach.
Learn by experiencing and applying the tools in between class meetings.
Following your first weekend as a Cancer Journey Coach trainee you will be paired with a “Coaching Buddy” so you can practice the tools and concepts introduced each week. All “Buddy Sessions” will be conducted over the phone (or video conference.) With this methodology, you will integrate what you have learned into your life as well as your profession.
Live the tools and concepts as you apply them to your life.
“Living it” will move you beyond integration. You will also expand your perception and accelerate your personal growth. Both are key components of Cancer Journey Coaching.
April 11, 2025 – November 12, 2025
Opening Weekend: April 11-13, 2025
Weekly sessions: Wednesdays at 9am PT
Opening Weekend includes three days of introductory content to welcome you into the Program and gets the group on the same page with coaching language and concepts.
Following completion of the formal training and certification exams, the Cancer Journey Coach is welcomed into the larger community “The International Association of Cancer Coaches,” which provides advanced trainings, recurring meetings, and opportunities.
It is our intention that your investment provide you with all of the Cancer Journey tools, concepts, models, and practice that you need to be a highly effective and transforming Cancer Journey Coach.
We bring over 40 years of combined experience in coach training and individual and group coaching to this program and we know it has the potential to transform lives, your’s included.
The investment for the Cancer Journey Coach Certification is $11,995. It is available in a single payment in full or in monthly payments for 12-month with an administrative fee.
Before jumping in, we’d love to talk to you more about our Certification Program. We encourage you to schedule a free call with our Community Concierge to learn more about the Program and the right path for you.
Start Changing Lives Now!
“The skills and tools are amazing. But this program is so much more than that. It helped me find a new path in life and allowed me to make meaning of my own cancer journey.”
Mary C.
“The Cancer Journey Coach Training is an incredible program. Having gone through the cancer experience as a patient and benefiting from having a Cancer Coach of my own, I know how powerful this service is. Now I have the skills to give back to others who are going through the same cancer journey.”
Leslie K.
“I approached the Cancer Journey Coach Training as professional development to enhance a Ph.D in Transpersonal Psychology and 16 years of experience and walked away both professionally and personally transformed.”
Wendy R.