Keri Lehmann
CPCC & Master Cancer Coach
Caregiver, Cancer Survivor
Keri Lehmann is the co-founder of The Cancer Journey Institute. Her initiation into the cancer world began when her husband was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and her caregiver journey continued when her mom was diagnosed with terminal melanoma. Her own journey with breast cancer in 2019 taught her the most life-changing lesson of all: to put self-love first, no matter what.
A pioneer in the coaching industry, Keri has decades of experience as a coach and facilitator of
coach training, both in Corporate America and as one of the first leaders for The Co-Active
Training Institute (CTI). She earned an M.A. in Human Resource Development from The George
Washington University in Washington, D.C. in 1989, and a Master Certified Coach designation from The International Coaching Federation in 1996.
A teacher, healer and perpetual student of metaphysics, Keri believes joy is the greatest healer, and that transformation begins when you truly love yourself. Her work and her presence are imbued with heart and soul.
Keri lives with her husband, Jay, in Pacifica, a coastal town in the San Francisco Bay area, where she enjoys daily beach walks with their handsome mixed-breed dog, Bosco.
An interview with Keri:
What inspires you to get up in the morning? When the light of day shines through my window and I feel so grateful that I have this day to love and be loved! I adore my work, so I get excited to see who I get to be with and what I get to co-create. There is so much fun to be had! It also helps that most days I need to take my son to school 🙂
What are you scared of? I’m most scared of having Spiritual Amnesia – believing the lie that I’m separate from The Divine or Forgetting that I’m loved and loving. That is so painful. I also have to say what scares me most is that something would happen to Dylan and he’d be hurt and frightened and I wouldn’t be there to comfort him. I don’t have any desire to go skydiving, so I’m scared of jumping out of a plane 🙂
People often underestimate the power of . . . Love. I do believe it is the most powerful force in the Universe. We also underestimate the power of Vulnerability. There is power in REALness! It allows us to connect at the level of our Soul.
I am in my power when . . . I’m coaching and in the present moment. I’m in my power when I remember who I am and how loved I am, when I’m connected and Real.
If you could have one super power, what would you choose? Teleporting, it would be so cool to just zip somewhere, hug somebody who needs a hug, and zip back.