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“You have Cancer”

All it takes are those three words to flip your world upside down.

The Panic to Powerful Workshop helps ground you.

What is the Panic to Powerful (P2P) Workshop?

Ideal for patients, survivors and caregivers, this 90-minute, interactive webinar will meet you wherever you are and leave you feeling seen, heard, and loved.  This workshop introduces you to our signature map, The Cancer Journey Roadmap, along with other tools that will help you instantly locate more of your inner resources. 

* A Zoom account is needed for this workshop. You can get a free account for your computer, tablet, or smartphone at

This workshop is for you if…

  • You are a cancer patient
  • You are a cancer survivor
  • You are a caregiver
  • You simply want to know more about the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a Cancer Journey.


Free! Sign up using the buttons below to RSVP.


Saturday, January 27, 2024
at 12:00pm PT

Monday, March 11, 2024
at 9:00am PT

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
at 12:00pm PT

Tuesday, July 9, 2024
at 9:00am PT

Monday, October 14, 2024
at 5:00pm PT

Click here to view all Free Workshops in our scheduler.

We understand…

“Our personal journeys, as patient, survivor, and caregiver, spurred us to create this movement to help the ever-growing number of individuals touched by cancer. We want this journey to be filled with empowerment and self-discovery. We see it as a Wake-up Call. Are you ready to answer it?”

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