We’re one month into the Certified Cancer Journey Coach Training, and I’m loving it! The content, the community, the safe space, this profound connection when listening from the heart; ALL of this complements my healing as a cancer survivor harmoniously.
I’m trusting the process 110%!
This month I had my 18-month follow-up appointment. I was feeling a lot of fear, worry, and scanxiety prior to the appointment because typically I receive the pathology report from my scan through email prior to the appointment.
When I didn’t receive the report my mind immediately started driving the narrative, “uh-oh dude, that’s not a good sign. Why wouldn’t they release the report? They must want to tell you in person: your cancer’s back.”
“STOP,” I snapped.
“I don’t have to feed this narrative,” I told myself. “Perhaps I could use some coaching.” After a few texts I was on the phone with my certified cancer journey coach.
In our 45-minute call we stopped the ‘cancer recurrence’ story in my mind, and created a clear vision of what I really wanted, through some sensational coaching techniques. After the call, I felt more present, peaceful, and prepared.
That after-glow followed me all the way to my appointment at UCSF Medical Center. My wife and I walked into the appointment to hear the wonderful news: no signs of recurrence.
Woooo Hoooo!
All well and good. But you haven’t had scans that turned up recurrences – that has a different ring to it.
Yes, it certainly does have a different ring! And I know Dennis is no stranger to having scans that turn up recurrences! When you reach out to a coach, they are there for you wherever you are. If you get something on a scan that indicates a recurrence, for example, a coach would help you to embrace the feelings you might have about it. Because feeling your feelings is what is here in this moment, and the only thing that allows us to be powerful is to be in this moment. So your coach would hold the space for you to be with your feelings, have your feelings — separate from any fear story you might be telling yourself — about what the results mean about who you are and how your life will be. Your cancer coach will help you get grounded and feel connected, so you can move forward feeling at choice. No matter what the future seems to hold. ~ Coach Keri