Our world is in a crisis of self-worth. We think we have to prove ourselves. You see it all over the media – both mass and social – trying so hard to earn our worth, we put each other down right and left.
Here’s the truth. You have intrinsic worth. You cannot earn more of it or lose what you have. And, everyone has the same amount. Isn’t that a mind-blower? It’s like the nose on your face. You do not need to earn or gain or prove that you have a nose. You have one.
The part that ebbs and flows is the experience you have of your worth. Like your nose, one day you are acutely aware of it and the next, you barely notice it at all. The experience has nothing to do with the fact that you have a nose; it’s your awareness of it. And, because we have ebbs and flows in our experience of our worth, we seek confirmation from “out there.” It is our ego story that we are not good enough and that there is not enough worth to go around that drives us to seek validation. So we have lots of egos battling and striving, distracting us from our true work in the world.
Coaching can help solve the world crisis. As coaches, self-worth is part of the Big Picture that we hold for our clients. We hold that our clients have unique value and that they matter. It is our job to reflect their worth back to them so that they can see it.
Standing solid in the world knowing that you matter and have worth is a powerful stance. At The Cancer Journey, we work with cancer individuals (patients, survivors, and caregivers) at their most vulnerable, when the energy and desire to perform or to have pretense has been set down. Cancer is the ultimate equalizer. It reminds us that we are all human and that our self-worth is not lost. Embracing our self-worth during a cancer journey is important to overall healing.
Want to know more about what we do and how we do it? Join us for A Taste of Cancer Journey Coaching on June 13th from 11am – 1pm. For more information go to https://ma293.infusionsoft.com/app/page/a-taste-of-cancer-journey-coaching.