Judy Venturini

In July 2013, Rev. Judi Venturini was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon cancer. This was the beginning of a collapse of every area of her life. Like Job in the Old Testament, she virtually had a breakdown in health, wealth, and relationships. However, out of a hopeless experience, Judi’s spirit rose up. In December of that very year, she was told she was cancer free. January 2014 was a new beginning. Judi discovered The Cancer Journey and became certified as a Cancer Journey Coach. She is currently writing a book called “Awakened to Life: From Hopelessness to Love” and is traveling to New Thought churches speaking about our world awakening and new structures that are assisting this process. She is also presenting a workshop called “From Panic to Powerful” and is a Life Coach for people affected by cancer and other life-altering diseases.

Judi brings a variety of life experiences to her coaching. Prior to her diagnosis, Judi served the Worldwide Unity movement as a minister; was a classroom teacher for many years; a Project Coordinator for a collaborative partnership between the Montgomery County Community Partnership and Voices Versus Violence in Montgomery County, MD; and a Senior Marketing Specialist for the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information. On a personal note, Judi has two children. Her son Michael and his life partner Marie live in Gaithersburg, MD, with Judi’s grandchildren, Kayla and Braden. Her daughter Laura and her life partner Dave reside in Frederick, MD, with Judi’s granddaughter Monika.

An interview with Judi:

What inspires you to get up in the morning? That I have one more day to bring hope to others.

What are you scared of? Snakes, spiders, and mice!

People often underestimate the power of . . . the present moment and a surrendered heart.

I am in my power when . . . I stand before crowds sharing my remarkable cancer journey and what I discovered about the awakening heart.

If you could have one super power, what would you choose? The power to end violence.

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