Judy ViaCava
Certified Cancer Journey Coach; BSW; LMT
Judy ViaCava began her Certified Cancer Journey Coach training shortly after a breast cancer diagnosis in 2012. Already a certified life coach, and a massage therapist for over 20 years, Judy has shifted her career to specialize in assisting cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and members of the medical team, with a focus on body and mind healing.
Most recently, Judy has teamed up with an organization called Spring Reins of Hope to offer healing through the wisdom and sensitivity of horses. They provide retreats and workshops at a beautiful horse farm in central New Jersey.
Judy has realized from her own fight with cancer that even when going through the darkness there are gifts. In her case she discovered new passions, including dragon boat racing on a breast cancer survivor team, and she recently joined over 3,000 survivors from around the world in an international dragon boat festival. As the song goes, “Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.”
Judy is honored to help others move through their cancer journey, with compassion, strength, and a touch of humor.
An interview with Judy:
What inspires you to get up in the morning? Usually my bulldog, or some quiet time in my garden before I begin my day with clients.
What are you scared of? I guess what scares me most is that I could be a burden to my children someday. That, to me, is scarier than living long without maintaining my independence.
People often underestimate the power of . . . a good nap.
I am in my power when . . . I am among friends.
If you could have one super power, what would you choose? The ability to diffuse people’s stress and anger by snapping my fingers.