Jeff Ward
CPCC; Certified Cancer Journey Coach; Cancer survivor
I’m a regular dude who likes to play, laugh, and engage in life, while helping others move from surviving to thriving. I believe that cancer and other major illnesses can be a wakeup call to a more powerful, authentic, and adventurous life. I am passionate about making a difference in peoples’ lives; inspiring people to live their best lives; achieving one’s full potential; being fully alive; not settling for a dull life; and connecting with and acting on what’s true in one’s heart. With that I bring a dose of humility, a playful sense of humor, and a commitment to helping people live their best life in whatever that means for them.
My professional training includes being a Certified Professional Co-active Coach (CPCC), and Certified Cancer Journey Coach, with over 10 years coaching experience. In addition, I am a licensed sports coach, former adaptive ski instructor, site coordinator for a large one-day health fair, and board member for a local coaching chapter. In a past life I worked for 25 years as an instructional designer, human factors, online training, and documentation specialist.
An interview with Jeff:
What inspires you to get up in the morning? The beauty of nature and the chance to get out and play in it, be it hiking, biking, etc., just anything outdoors, and the chance to help impact peoples’ lives in moving them from just getting by to really living a robust life.
What are you scared of? Besides climate change and what this planet will look like years from now, I’m scared that I won’t impact as many people as I can in my lifetime, that I won’t live my own life to the fullest, and that I won’t love and appreciate people as well as I can.
People often underestimate the power of . . . themselves, and their intuition, and the power and uniqueness that each person possesses and needs to bring to this planet.
I am in my power when . . . I show up as me, and live from a place of authenticity and playfulness, rather than a place of fear and scarcity.
If you could have one super power, what would you choose? To be a marketing mogul, so that more people get to work with me and change their lives, and more people get to bring their full self to this planet.