Naomi Hoffer

Naomi Hoffer holds a Master’s Degree in Integral Health Education and is a Masters Level Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES). She has worked at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Comprehensive Cancer Center as a Program Manager for over 20 years, where she created hundreds of programs and events designed to support and educate patients and families living with cancer. In 2018 she joined the UCSF Brain Tumor Center in the Neuro-Oncology Department and built a first-of-its-kind survivorship program for people living with brain cancer. She also holds a certification as a Cancer Journey Coach and works with individuals and groups to support patients’ well-being during cancer treatment and throughout survivorship. She is passionate about advancing health and healing through incorporating wellness-focused programming throughout clinical systems, and she is thrilled to be part of the Cancer Journey Institute.

Top 5 Strengths: Connectedness, Empathy, Strategic, Intellection, Ideation

An interview with Naomi:

What inspires you to get up in the morning? My cats! Lol.  I usually wake up to one of my 3 cats tickling my forehead with their whiskers, asking me to get up and play or feed them.  But beyond that I try to start the day with a brief meditation to open my mind and heart for the day.  When I do this, I know it will be a good day, no matter what life offers up!

What are you scared of? I’m most scared of not being there for my loved ones when and if they need me due to living so far away from many of them.  I grew up in Canada and my parents are still there, living in the same house where I grew up.  Though they are doing really well, it’s hard not to be closer sometimes. 

People often underestimate the power of . . . Their unexpressed emotions!  Emotions are our power source.  They motivate us and give us the energy to do many things, and I believe that our true emotions are always in service to our ultimate well-being.  Our body knows how to help us – whether it is through grieving, setting boundaries, seeing what others have that we want for ourselves, etc.  When we take time to see our emotions and allow them expression, we can respond in a way that is healing and life-affirming.  The opposite side of that is when we try to ignore our emotions they often come out in ways we don’t feel good about, and it takes additional energy to keep them at bay. 

I am in my power when . . . I am aware of what I am feeling and thinking.  And when I make a choice in direction of my true desire, no matter if it scares me. 

If you could have one super power, what would you choose? To communicate without words – heart to heart. 

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