Satoko Shimazu
Certified Cancer Journey Coach, Cancer Survivor (Brain Tumor)

My core purpose in life is to become a bridge between people in the world. I have made many decisions based on this purpose. However, when I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2020, I lost my sense of purpose and meaning in life. I felt hopeless because brain science is not fully understood. I had an opportunity to receive Cancer Journey Coaching when I was at my deepest pit. It made me realize that the most important thing to change from being a survivor to a thriver is to accept yourself as you are and believe in your own power. It is not easy to accept yourself after you become ill but the person who can give you the most faith in you is you. Now that I have regained my sense of purpose, I hope to be your partner who ignite your spark to embark on a new life.

Top 5 Strengths: Empathy, Futuristic, Positivity, Woo, Adaptability

An interview with Satoko:

What inspires you to get up in the morning? my two-hour sacred alone time before having breakfast every morning. During this time, I usually engage in activities that make me happy, such as watching dramas/movies, playing video games, and exercising outdoors while breathing in the fresh morning air.

What are you scared of? Mosquitos because I had dengue fever before…

People often underestimate the power of . . . boldness. I tend to make bold decisions that surprise others.

I am in my power when . . . I am open. In order to have a heart to heart communication with others, I believe opening up myself is the best thing I can do.

If you could have one super power, what would you choose? I want to instant travel. I would love to visit as many countries as possible to experience new cultures.

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