Catherine Ciolli
Certified Cancer Journey Coach, Gallup Certified Coach, Masters in Coaching, Cancer Survivor

What led you to become a Cancer Journey Coach? Life has formed me to be the coach I am. Going through major milestones and experiences has primed me to integrate so many tools and practices into my life. Through this process my life is constantly improving, and I am achieving my dreams; and moving closer to even greater dreams. My formal studies include the following:

• Cancer Coaching Diploma from Cancer Journey Institute
• Masters in Coaching from University of Middlesex (UK)
• Honor’s in Psychology from University of South Africa
• B.Sc. from University of Cape Town
• Gallup Certified Coach

I started coaching in 2003 as a coach working in large, medium and small organizations. Examples of companies I worked with are Standard Bank, Absa, Anglo and Bowman Gilfillan. I worked with management level up to executive level in these businesses. I was involved in individual coaching as well as team coaching. I also developed and facilitated workshops for the development of coaching and mentoring skills in Standard Bank and Anglo.

I coached and trained on a contractual basis for an organization called Foundation. They were committed to the development of the individual. Foundation had a year-long coaching practitioner
course aimed at producing qualified coaches. I facilitated the seminars that are part of the course, and tutored and supervised the students through the process. Many of the coaches I trained are still out there making a positive impact in the field today. After all is said and done whether I am teaching the skill of coaching or doing it myself, I believe in the modality of coaching. I believe in empowerment. My passion is coaching in all its forms.

Top 5 Strengths: Strategic, Learner, Maximizer, Input, Ideation

An interview with Catherine:

What inspires you to get up in the morning? Hope inspires me to get up in the morning. Every day I wake up with hope. I believe in my ability to be better. Every day I focus on loving myself more which leads to good actions which give to good results. Sometimes loving myself means playing tennis, going to bed early, focusing on work, seeing friends – it can mean different things according to what the day delivers. When I look back, I am grateful for my journey and my accomplishments. I have worked through a lot of road blocks in my life, and although I don’t feel I have arrived, I believe I can grow and learn and achieve so much more than I ever imagined. My dreams and goals have started small and grown with me.
We are amazing evolving beings and there is always hope. Whatever is happening we can be powerful in our choices and actions moment to moment.

What are you scared of? I am scared of being too visible. I feel that when you become
visible, you become a target. The irony is that to live my best life, I need to be visible and present. It brings to mind Mandela’s inaugural speech when he became president of South Africa in 1994. Mandela said, “our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” I invite you to google search it as the poem is longer than I can include here, and they are powerful words. These words speak to my fears and how I keep myself small.

People often underestimate the power of . . . acceptance and commitment. If we want to live our best lives, I believe we have to accept who we are with compassion, rather than judgment. Judgment prevents us from being honest with ourselves. Sometimes this means being sensitive to what is working, and what is not working in our world right now. I do believe that being honest with self means connecting with self and finding the truth within.
This acceptance leads to commitment to self. This allows us to do the things that honor ourselves, and take us closer to our dreams.

I am in my power when . . . I know my truth. This allows me to effortlessly hold my boundaries and decide what is important to my dreams and goals. That allows me to commit to myself and take the time to exercise, meditate, take care of myself and do the work which gives my life meaning. I am in my power when I am connected to myself and live out my life purpose.

If you could have one super power, what would you choose? I would love to fly with my own wings. It is such an expression of freedom and fun. I love having fun. Imagine the things you could see and the places you could go.

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