Mari King
National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, International Association of Health Coaches, Certified Cancer Journey Coach, Reflexologist, Clinical Herbalist, Intuitive

Mari believes that life is too short not to experience joy. A life-long learner gifted with intuitive skills, Mari wants most of all for everyone to feel seen, heard, and gotten. Knowing what it’s like when you or a loved one receive a diagnosis that suddenly changes everything and strips away your identity, Mari believes coaching can aid everyone in rising like a Phoenix and coming back stronger than ever.

Top 5 Strengths: Strategic, Connectedness, Activator, Arranger, Positivity

An interview with Mari:

What inspires you to get up in the morning? My connectedness to life!

What are you scared of? Spiders!

People often underestimate the power of . . . a smile.

I am in my power when . . . I am consciously connected to the Universe and I am joyful.

If you could have one super power, what would you choose? Telekinesis

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