Preeti Kallha
Certified Cancer Journey Coach, Certified Hypno-Oncology Practitioner, Certified NLP Practitioner
I am the founder of the ‘thebigCcoach’ and I support and empower clients through their cancer journey using coaching and hypnosis. I have bespoke
training in both and I am a breast cancer survivor. I promote Authenticity, Empowerment, a Safe Space, and a Soul Led approach in my practice.
Top 5 Strengths: Empathy, Connectedness, Developer, Consistency, Learner
An interview with Preeti:
What inspires you to get up in the morning? To know that each day the sun will rise and it’s a new day, full of new hope and aspirations
What are you scared of? I am scared of not living a fulfilled and aligned life, oh and bees.
People often underestimate the power of . . . Themselves, when we fall, we rise. When we are tested we
stand strong
I am in my power when . . . When I stand in my truth and accept how I feel.
If you could have one super power, what would you choose? To be able to duplicate myself, so that I can go and support as many people as possible